Biokvas 45 Yeast Protein Feed
Complemental characteristics of feed components and aditives (minerals, emzymes, vitamins) of which Biokvas 45 is made of, makes it unique animal feed very suitable for all categories of the domestic animals.
Product is made of soybean flour, soya protein isolate, livestock leaven enriched by living cells of the Sacharomyices cerevisiae 1026, products based on foodgrains, and with addition of the minerals, enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants.
Soybean flour (partially fat-reduced flour, in form of the grits) is obtained by thermicall treatment of the non-genetically modified dehulled soya bean. It contain high quality herbal proteins with good ratio of the essential amino acids, containing high level of both essential (omega) fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acid). Soybean protein isolate is feed with top-quality proteins, high level of easily digestable aminoacids and hygienic safety.
Stock yeast contains very quality single cell protein which is in regard of chemical composition and quality close to animal proteins. Stock yeast is also rich in aminoacids, phosphorus, vitamin B-complex and vitamins E and D.
Dietetic characteristics of Biokvas 45 makes it especially suitable for feeding of the young domestic animals, and highly-productive heads immediatelly after calving, in other words, in period of stress and disordered digestion and food utilisation.
Why live yeast cells should be used in feed of milk cattle?
The benefits of using supplements based on live yeast cells at milk cattle
are following:
1) increased milk production
2) increased content of milk proteins and fats in milk
3) increased consumption of dry materials
4) increased body weight at young calves
Thus, feed based on live yeast cells became trend on many west countries livestock farms.
In the rumen, temperature is about 390C, and it is anaerobic environment, therefore there are no benefits for yeast culture reproduction,
success or failure of supplements in milk cow feed depend on quantity and quality of yeast culture that are used. First, the choice of strain is
very important. Second, yeast culture contain live yeast enriched with medium in which they grow (vitamins, mineral, factor of grow), their
production in livestock breeding should be better than performance of products with live dry yeast. One thing should be pointed out: live yeast is bioregulator and nonactive not.
Use of yeast culture as bioregulator in milk cows made great breakthrough in use of natural products in livestock feed production.
Yeast protein feed BIOKVAS 45 with live yeast cells, contains minimum 45% natural soybean protein.
Chemical composition:
• Proteins: min 45%; Fats: min 5%; Fibre: max 3%; Calcium 1,20%; Phosphorus 0,86%
• Lysine 3,62%, Methionine 0,67%, Threonine 1,89%, Tryptophan 0,61%
Live yeast cells are widespread in nature and in human use for thousand of years. They
are usually associated with beer and wine production, fermented vegetables and sauces, and
bakery industry. Live yeast cells are classified as unicellar strain of yeast and not permanent
residents in body of domestic animals. However, their isolated from digestive tract of many
animals, among which milk cows. Live yeast cells have been part of milk cattle feed for more than half century, but it’s application is extremely increasing in last few years. Bearing in mind that live yeast cells contain a lot of amino acids that make up to 40% of the total content, their nutritive value is very high.